Floating belly up, arms out, and teary eyed, I could not have felt any smaller yet so cared for; knowing a creature bigger and better than I created the hazy pink and blue skyline of mountains melting with the sunlight. The Dead Sea swallowed me and time. Life stopped and I became like the dense salt that held my body from sinking. The undrinkable, hardly-swimmable, yet ultra healing water helped me realize that I am just a grain of salt in a vast body of draining liquid. Born amongst millennial mindsets it became so apparent while looking at great majesty, to digest the fact that the world doesn’t revolve around me and regularly being in nature reels me back into humble existence.
This is what an experience with an image did for my psyche. It made me feel vulnerable enough to know I am a part of a greater masterpiece. And it gave me a newfound freedom to freely express my desire to form beauty through many media for many to feel and experience as intimately as their hearts need.